
"}],[{"start":135.35000000000002,"text":"It’s an interesting scene to me because it makes me wonder about which side of the booth to sit on. "},{"start":140.30400000000003,"text":"One can understand the need to have faith in good leadership to make the best decision for society, but as we also know, politics rarely serves the best interest of everyone, even in democracies. "},{"start":150.42200000000003,"text":"There will always be people on the margins who do not get the same opportunities or freedoms, and who they are is largely determined by who makes up the majority and whose voices are most powerful in leadership. "}],[{"start":160.37000000000003,"text":"World history gives evidence to this again and again. "},{"start":163.56200000000004,"text":"The passion of the man on the right could be admirable or it could be potentially dangerous, depending on how his faith in politics plays out, and whose interests are deemed more valuable than others. "},{"start":172.99200000000002,"text":"I wonder too, if the older man’s gaze might also be one of questioning how much he too should perhaps still have faith in political leadership. "},{"start":179.88400000000004,"text":"And if he chooses not to, where then does he turn for support, and where do we? "}],[{"start":null,"text":"Many of us anchor our hope for the future to our belief in our financial, or at least material, accumulations
"}],[{"start":185.26000000000005,"text":"In the 1514 work “The Money Lender and His Wife” by the Flemish painter Quentin Matsys, we see a couple sitting side by side attending to their respective duties. "},{"start":194.62700000000004,"text":"There is a lot of detail in this painting. "},{"start":196.81900000000005,"text":"The shelves in the background are lined with books, an empty vase, a snuffed-out candle, a piece of fruit and other items. "},{"start":203.48700000000005,"text":"In the foreground, the money changer sits at a table of treasures. "},{"start":207.12900000000005,"text":"We cannot see his eyes because he is gazing down intently at the gold coins he is weighing. "}],[{"start":212.68000000000006,"text":"He holds the scales carefully between his slim fingers with a delicacy one might reserve for a thing of great value. "},{"start":218.82200000000006,"text":"Even his body leans in towards the money. "},{"start":221.13900000000007,"text":"His wife, beside him, holds a prayer book, but instead of reading it her attention is diverted by her husband’s activity. "},{"start":227.60700000000006,"text":"The couple’s rapt interest in material wealth seems to have an almost spiritual intensity. "}],[{"start":233.06000000000006,"text":"This painting was made at a time of religious conflict and growing division in Europe. "},{"start":237.57700000000006,"text":"The Protestant Reformation began just three years later in 1517, with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses. "},{"start":243.94400000000007,"text":"It was an era when people were beginning to openly question what they believed and to reconsider their faith. "},{"start":249.01200000000006,"text":"We are living in very different times today, although organised religions or spiritual paths of any kind will always have tenets and practices to inspire and those of which to be wary. "}],[{"start":258.94000000000005,"text":"But I was taken by this work because, regardless of people’s religious or spiritual beliefs, many of us still anchor our hope for the future by placing faith presently in our financial, or at least material, accumulations. "},{"start":270.96900000000005,"text":"We live in societies that teach us that the more we own, the safer we will be, to the extent that fear of not having enough, which also equates to feeling not in control of our own lives, can lead us to favour decisions and political policies that promise to secure our own wellbeing at a cost to others. "}],[{"start":287.24000000000007,"text":"It’s fascinating because the nature of faith is to actively place trust in a thing, system or person without certainty, and yet many of us seem to believe that only things that are predictably and reliably in our favour are worthy of our confidence or trust. "}],[{"start":300.50000000000006,"text":"I don’t think we consciously sit around and decide to place our faith in money and resources but I do think we naturally feel more confident about our lives if we can control them. "},{"start":309.26700000000005,"text":"The only problem is that this sense of control is mostly an illusion. "}],[{"start":313.4700000000001,"text":"Much of what happens in life happens in spite of our efforts to orchestrate it. "},{"start":317.5870000000001,"text":"Maybe this painting is a work that invites us to think about what we are devoted to, what else competes for that devotion, and where we choose to place our faith. "}],[{"start":null,"text":"
"}],[{"start":326.31000000000006,"text":"I love the 2024 painting “Joie de Vivre” by British-Nigerian artist Joy Labinjo. "},{"start":331.66400000000004,"text":"Three children of different ethnicities play together in an open park alongside a young brown-skinned woman. "},{"start":336.96900000000005,"text":"There is an expanse of green grass and there are trees in the background across a quiet lake. "},{"start":341.39900000000006,"text":"In the foreground of the image, the children chase a green and a red ball, as the woman, wearing jeans, a patterned shirt and hijab, laughingly tries to intervene. "}],[{"start":351.37000000000006,"text":"I picked this painting to symbolise an example of where we might put our faith because I think it represents so many things to which people aspire. "}],[{"start":null,"text":"