Will AI turbocharge the hunt for new drugs? | 人工智能会为寻找新药提供动力吗? - FT中文网
【高端限免】Will AI turbocharge the hunt for new drugs?

Advocates point to the pandemic as proof of its value in healthcare even as critics dismiss its use in drug discovery as ‘hype’ | 倡导者指出大流行病证明了其在医疗保健方面的价值,而批评者认为其在药物发现方面的使用是“炒作”。

In January 2020, as doctors struggled to treat the first coronavirus patients, data scientists and biochemists at BenevolentAI turned to artificial intelligence to hunt for a drug to help.
The researchers had only a few clues about how the new virus operated. They fed them to their algorithm and set it to work searching 50mn medical journal articles in just a few hours. Together, the scientists and the algorithm deepened their understanding of which biological pathways a drug should target and searched for approved drugs to repurpose.
In just four days, they narrowed it down to baricitinib. The Eli Lilly drug usually used to treat rheumatoid arthritis tackles both the virus and the body’s inflammatory reaction. It was the first time AI had discovered a drug to repurpose that has then been used widely.
在短短四天内,他们把范围缩小到巴利西替尼(baricitinib)。这种美国礼来公司(Eli Lilly)通常用于治疗风湿性关节炎的药物可以同时治疗病毒和身体的炎症反应。这是人工智能首次发现一种可以重新利用的药物,然后被广泛使用。
Peter Richardson, the vice-president of pharmacology at the London-based start-up, says AI’s prediction of how the drug would work against Covid — from its biological mechanism to antiviral effect — has now been validated. The World Health Organization strongly recommends the use of baricitinib for severe Covid and the UK’s recovery trial — the national study of treatments for the virus — found it significantly reduces deaths.
这家总部位于伦敦的初创公司的药理学副总裁彼得·理查森(Peter Richardson)表示,人工智能对这种药物如何对抗新冠病毒的预测——从其生物机制到抗病毒效果——现在已经得到了验证。世界卫生组织强烈建议使用巴利西替尼治疗严重的新冠肺炎,而英国的康复试验——一项针对该病毒治疗方法的全国性研究——发现它能显著降低死亡率。
“All of that in two years,” says Richardson. “It is astonishing.”
It takes on average a decade to go from the initial discovery stage of a drug to approval and, with a high failure rate, the pharmaceutical industry estimates it costs $2.7bn to bring each one to market. Clinical trials make up the bulk of this time and cost, but discovery and pre-clinical tests can still take three or four years.
Peter Richardson, vice-president of pharmacology at BenevolentAI, is among supporters of the technology who say AI proved its value during the pandemic
During the pandemic, AI was primarily used as a tool to save scientists’ time, accelerating this notoriously slow discovery process, while often using drugs and vaccines designed for similar viruses such as Mers as a starting point.  
But advocates of AI believe its wider use during the crisis is just the start of a revolution in drug discovery that will harness growth in biological and chemical data, computing power and smarter algorithms that could reduce soaring healthcare bills and create treatments for conditions where we have none.
They argue AI proved itself in the crisis. AbCellera sorted through 6mn cells in three days to find an antibody that could be mass produced — in this case by Eli Lilly — as a drug called bamlanivimab that has helped more than 1mn Covid patients. A supercomputer helped in Pfizer’s quest for an antiviral that could be taken orally.
And although AI did not design the Covid vaccines, it optimised them. Moderna’s platform — the technology it uses for all of its vaccines — learnt from producing 20,000 unique mRNA sequences, which helped it design and manufacture the first batch of its Covid vaccine for testing in 42 days.
Venture capitalists are betting this is just the beginning. Funding for AI in drug discovery has risen 3,800 per cent in the past five years to $2bn, according to PitchBook data, and venture capital-backed start-ups have signed dozens of partnerships with Big Pharma.
Nathan Benaich, general partner at Air Street Capital, which invests in AI companies in the life sciences field, says the pandemic has reinforced the idea that drugmakers need to speed up the discovery process. “The clear benefit coming out of all this is that AI companies in this field are now pushing at much more of an open door in pharma versus before because of the obvious need for rapid innovation,” he says.
投资生命科学领域人工智能公司的Air Street Capital普通合伙人内森•贝奈奇(Nathan Benaich)表示,大流行强化了制药商需要加快发现过程的想法。他表示:“这一切带来的明显好处是,由于对快速创新的明显需求,该领域的人工智能公司现在正在向制药行业推进一扇更加开放的大门。”
But even Benaich thinks it has not lived up to the inflated hopes at the start of the pandemic — and he is far from alone.
“I think repurposing [of drugs] is still worth pursuing,” says Eric Topol, author of Deep Medicine, a book on artificial intelligence in healthcare. “But we don’t have a lot to show for it. In the pandemic, we have one drug for sure . . . but the whole idea of AI was to take drugs and go into discovery at high velocities like we’ve never seen before.”
《深度医学》(Deep Medicine)是一本关于医疗领域人工智能的书,该书的作者埃里克•托波尔(Eric Topol)表示:“我认为(药物的)再利用仍然值得追求。但我们没有很多东西可以展示。在大流行中,我们肯定有一种药…但人工智能的整体理念是找到药物,并以我们从未见过的高速度进行发现。”
Until a regulator approves a drug discovered entirely by AI, there will be doubters. There are now 15 drug candidates designed by AI in clinical trials — but precisely because drug development can take more than a decade, it will be a long wait for a verdict.
“There’s still an awful lot of people”, says Richardson, “that don’t believe a word of it and think it’s all hype.”

Safety valves


As the pandemic progressed, clinicians around the world looked to recommendations from the UK’s recovery trial to guide their prescriptions. Martin Landray, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Oxford university, helped run the randomised controlled trial for Covid drugs. But when selecting what to test in patients, he says, he found AI only “moderately useful”. 
随着疫情的发展,世界各地的临床医生都在寻求英国康复试验的建议,以指导他们的处方。牛津大学医学和流行病学教授马丁·兰德雷(Martin Landray)帮助开展了Covid药物的随机对照试验。但他说,在选择在病人身上测试什么时,他发现人工智能“用处不大”。
“The trouble is [the drug discovery algorithms] all come up with a prioritised list [of treatments] in a different order than you put in,” he says, adding the “mathematical rationale” often fails to consider practicalities.
The recovery trial’s investigators chose drugs based on having some evidence that they might work — such as tackling previous coronaviruses or proving effective in pre-clinical tests. But they also took into account whether the drug was in plentiful supply, and how much was understood about side effects.
Landray says safety has almost “infinite dimensions” that AI struggles to predict, far more complex than some of its biggest successes, such as learning to beat humans at the ancient Chinese game Go. “Instead of trying to play Go, [AI in drug discovery] is like trying to play every game that has ever been invented, some of which don’t even have rules,” he says.   
Let loose on the world of biology, AI could also be dangerous. Researchers recently showed how their algorithm discovered 40,000 toxic chemical compounds, many of which could be used as biological weapons, in less than six hours.
Covid-19 showed the need for rapid drug development — but the initial lack of information about the disease meant it was not the perfect proof point for AI. At the start, there was little data for an algorithm to learn from, meaning even Benevolent’s scientists had to take a more hands-on approach — using AI as an interactive tool — than they would with other diseases.
Coding in the London office of BenevolentAI. At the start of he pandemic, there was little data for an algorithm to learn from, meaning Benevolent’s scientists had to take a more hands-on approach
Daphne Koller, chief executive of Silicon Valley based AI start-up Insitro, which focuses on drug discovery, applauds Benevolent for demonstrating that it is feasible to find a drug to repurpose, but warns that it is different from discovering a completely new compound.
位于硅谷的人工智能初创公司Insitro的首席执行官达芙妮•科勒(Daphne Koller)专注于药物发现,她称赞Benevolent公司证明了找到一种可以重新利用的药物是可行的,但她警告说这与发现一种全新的化合物不同。
“I’m not a fan of going out with extravagant promises about how we’re going to transform everything within three years,” she says. “Human biology is hard: intervening in something that can cause someone to die is a very risky proposition.”
Another similarly named AI start-up Insilico designed its own Covid drug. The Hong Kong-based company published a paper on its findings in April 2020 for anyone to use. When no one decided to develop it, the company synthesised the drug itself in September of the same year. But without the facilities of a large pharmaceutical company, it had to wait nine months to test it in a lab secure enough to handle the virus. And it is still yet to reach human trials.
The pandemic highlighted the two biggest hurdles for the future of AI in drug discovery: making sense of the patchy but ever more plentiful data, and changing the strategies of large pharmaceutical companies cautious about getting into bed with AI.
Frank Nestlé, Sanofi’s chief scientific officer, is embracing AI with vigour, having recently signed two big deals with Oxford-based Exscientia and medical AI company Owkin. He says AI relies on three pillars — computing power, algorithms and data.
赛诺菲(Sanofi)首席科学官弗兰克·内斯特尔(Frank Nestlé)正积极拥抱人工智能。最近,他与总部位于牛津的Exscientia和医疗人工智能公司Owkin签署了两项重大协议。他说,人工智能依赖三大支柱——计算能力、算法和数据。
“Data is where there’s the biggest need for improvement — and that’s also where the future step change will come,” he adds.
AI identified the role baricitinib could play in the treatment of some Covid-19 patients. Use of the repurposed drug is now recommended by the WHO
There has been an explosion of data because it has become much easier and cheaper to collect sequences of genes and proteins. Drugmakers hold huge stores of data from trials on humans and animals, but it is often in forms AI finds difficult to digest, from handwritten lab notes to Excel spreadsheets.
Nestlé says tagging this data requires painstaking precision: for example, lab samples shipped overnight should be differentiated from others, because they have different molecular footprints that could drive algorithms to the wrong conclusions based on how it was shipped, not what was in the patient’s tissue.
Such work takes time. Ugur Sahin, BioNTech chief executive, says the German biotech used a “man-in-the-middle” approach to machine learning for four years with humans helping to educate its algorithm. “AI is like kids. You have to really teach them a lot until they start to come to conclusions,” he says.
这样的工作需要时间。BioNTech首席执行官乌格•沙欣(Ugur Sahin)表示,这家德国生物技术公司在4年时间里使用了一种“中间人”的方法来进行机器学习,由人类帮助培训算法。“人工智能就像孩子。你必须教他们很多东西,直到他们开始得出结论,”他说。
Companies that invested in their data have seen it pay dividends. In 2020, Pfizer could not automatically screen one of its libraries that holds data on 4.5bn commercially available compounds. Now, it can scan the entire database in 48 hours vastly speeding up its ability to identify potential new medicines.
Others stress the importance of hiring employees who can bridge the gap between AI and more traditional scientific methods. Najat Khan, chief data science officer and head of R&D strategy at Janssen, the pharmaceuticals arm of Johnson & Johnson, says it is building a bank of “bilingual talent”. 
另一些人则强调雇用能够在人工智能和更传统的科学方法之间架起桥梁的员工的重要性。强生(Johnson & Johnson)的制药部门杨森(Janssen)的首席数据科学官兼研发战略主管纳贾特·汗(Najat Khan)说,它正在建立一个“双语人才”库。
“We have data scientists who are highly proficient in machine learning, in AI, in digital health and real world evidence — and deeply knowledgeable in drug discovery science and medicine,” she adds.
But some pharmaceutical companies are still figuring out how best to incorporate AI, unsure about how much to invest in the new field rather than progressing their current pipelines and struggling to hire talent from technology companies.
Miraz Rahman, a professor of medicinal chemistry at King’s College London, says the industry has been burnt before by pouring money into combinatorial chemistry, a method of building libraries of compounds that has been useful in recent decades but not as transformative as promised.
伦敦大学国王学院药物化学教授米拉兹·拉赫曼(Miraz Rahman)说,该行业曾经因为向组合化学倾注资金而被遭受重挫,这种建立化合物库的方法在最近几十年里一直很有用,但并不像承诺的那样具有变革性。
Yet he believes that in the next five to 10 years, all big pharma companies will have integrated AI into drug discovery. “All the data suggests AI is here to stay,” adds Rahman. “It is going to make discovery more streamlined and shave off three to four years of time if you can successfully adopt AI.”

Unlocking science


Thomas Clozel, chief executive of Owkin, says repurposing drugs is simply a “hack” and that the long-term hope for AI is that it can transform our understanding of disease.
Owkin首席执行官托马斯•克洛泽尔(Thomas Clozel)表示,将药物重新利用只是一种“修修补补”,人工智能的长期希望在于,它可以改变我们对疾病的理解。
“AI today isn’t ready to treat patients better. It is ready to accelerate the return on investment of drug discovery,” he says. “But what about augmenting it — when are you going to find things where pharma failed?”
He thinks the real innovation will come from empirical evidence mined from “patient data”. Owkin builds data sets from hospitals and analyses cellular level information to find new patient subgroups. Using computer vision — AI that can understand and read images — to study biopsies, the company can predict survival rates in patients with the aggressive cancer mesothelioma, which mainly affects the lining of the lungs. This could unlock doors for drugmakers to compounds, which might increase survival rates.
The deeper our understanding, the more personalised medicine may become. Before it became famous for its Covid vaccine, BioNTech was focused on creating “cancer vaccines” tailored to direct an individuals’ immune system to attack his or her own disease, using data from an extracted tumour. It is now ploughing ahead with that work and with AI at its core.
“The question is: if every patient has different mutations, could we build machine learning programmes that allow us to pick the best targets in each patient?” asks Sahin.
It is an “extremely complex task”, he adds, that involves weighing factors including the likelihood a mutation is in the tumour and the probability that the immune system’s T-cells recognise it. But he adds that machine learning has become “better and better”, and now humans only intervene for quality assurance.
Other innovations may accelerate progress. Last year, Google’s DeepMind released an AI tool called Alphafold2 that can predict the shape of all human proteins. By solving this huge puzzle in biology, it helps scientists understand what each protein does and how to alter it. Drugmakers can use it to understand where a drug might need to bind to a target in a human body. DeepMind plans to do just that, launching a new company Isomorphic Labs to “find cures for humanity’s most devastating diseases”. 
其他创新可能会加速进步。去年,谷歌的DeepMind发布了一款名为Alphafold2的人工智能工具,它可以预测所有人类蛋白质的形状。通过解决这个生物学上的巨大难题,它有助于科学家了解每种蛋白质的作用以及如何改变它。制药商可以利用它来了解药物可能需要在人体的哪个部位与目标结合。DeepMind正计划这样做,成立一家新公司同构实验室(Isomorphic Labs),以“找到治疗人类最具破坏性疾病的方法”。
Large pharmaceutical companies are interested in using the tool. J&J’s Khan says there are so many proteins that are considered “undruggable” because of a tricky protein. “It is going to unlock a lot of science that was impossible and make it possible,” she says.
Advances in quantum computing could also massively increase the available computer power to help tackle problems in drug discovery. But for now, AI may prove more helpful with the next generation of Covid drugs and vaccines.
The virus is now one of the most scrutinised ever. BioNTech has partnered with AI start-up InstaDeep to predict the next high-risk variant, so its flexible mRNA vaccine platform can get ahead of it. The resultant algorithm identified more than 90 per cent of variants of concern, including the Omicron strain, in advance. AbCellera used AI to select the most robust antibody that can stand up better to variants and Exscientia wants to create a broad spectrum antiviral that could be used to tackle the next pandemic virus, whatever it turns out to be.
Andrew Hopkins, Exscientia chief executive, says he is starting to see a “sea change” as larger pharmaceutical companies are more interested in investing in AI.
Exscientia首席执行官安德鲁•霍普金斯(Andrew Hopkins)表示,随着大型制药公司对投资人工智能更感兴趣,他开始看到一种“巨变”。
“There is a realisation of how we can use data and algorithms,” he says. “That what the industry did for coronavirus patients is actually something we should apply for all patients. It’s an urgency that we should bring to all medicines for all patients.”
Additional reporting by Madhumita Murgia in London
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